Integrate a custom Job with Kueue

Integrate a custom Job with Kueue.

Kueue has built-in integrations for several Job types, including Kubernetes batch Job, MPIJob, RayJob and JobSet.

There are three options for using Kueue to manage Job-like CRDs that lack built-in integrations.

  • Leverage the built-in AppWrapper integration by wrapping instances of the custom Job in an AppWrapper. See Running a Wrapped Custom Workload for details.
  • Build a new integration as part of the Kueue repository.
  • Build a new integration as an external controller.

This guide is for platform developers and describes how to build a new integration. Integrations should be built using the APIs provided by Kueue’s jobframework package. This will both simplify development and ensure that your controller will be properly structured to become a core built-in integration if your Job type is widely used by the community.

Overview of Requirements

Kueue uses the controller-runtime. We recommend becoming familiar with it and with Kubebuilder before starting to build a Kueue integration.

Whether you are building an external or built-in integration, your main tasks are the following:

  1. To work with Kueue, your custom Job CRD should have a suspend-like field, with semantics similar to the suspend field in a Kubernetes Job. The field needs to be in your CRD’s spec, not its status, to enable its value to be set from a webhook. Your CRD’s primary controller must respond to changes in the value of this field by suspending or unsuspending its owned resources.

  2. You will need to register the GroupVersionKind of your CRD with Kueue as an integration.

  3. You will need to instantiate various pieces of Kueue’s jobframework package for your CRD:

    • You will need to implement Kueue’s GenericJob interface for your CRD
    • You will need to instantiate a ReconcilerFactory and register it with the controller runtime.
    • You will need to add a +kubebuilder:rbac directive for your CRD so Kueue will be permitted to manage it.
    • You will need to register webhooks that set the initial value of the suspend field in instances of your CRD and validate Kueue invariants on creation and update operations.
    • You will need to instantiate a Workload indexer for your CRD.

Building a Built-in Integration

To get started, add a new folder in ./pkg/controller/jobs/ to host the implementation of the integration.

Here are completed built-in integrations you can learn from:


Add your framework name to .integrations.frameworks in controller_manager_config.yaml

Add RBAC Authorization for your CRD using kubebuilder marker comments.

Write a go func init() that invokes the jobframework RegisterIntegration() function.

Job Framework

In the mycrd_controller.go file in your folder, implement the GenericJob interface, and other optional interfaces defined by the framework.

In the mycrd_webhook.go file in your folder, provide the webhook that invokes helper methods in from the jobframework to set the initial suspend status of created jobs and validate invariants.

Add testing files for both the controller and the webhook. You can check the test files in the other subfolders of ./pkg/controller/jobs/ to learn how to implement them.

Developing a mutation and validation webhook

Once you have implemented the GenericJob interface, you can register a webhook for the type by using the BaseWebhookFactory in pkg/controller/jobframework. This webhook ensures that a job is created in a suspended state and that queue names don’t change when the job is admitted. You can read the MPIJob integration as an example.

For certain use cases, you might need to register a dedicated webhook. In this case, you should use Kueue’s LosslessDefaulter, which ensures that the defaulter is compatible with future versions of the CRD, under the assumption that the defaulter does not remove any fields from the original object. You can read the BatchJob integration as an example for how to use a LosslessDefaulter.

If the suggestions above are incompatible with your use case, beware of potential problems when using controller-runtime’s CustomDefaulter.

Adjust build system

Add required dependencies to compile your code. For example, using go get

Update the Makefile for testing.

  • Add commands which copy the CRD of your custom job to the Kueue project.
  • Add your custom job operator CRD dependencies into test-integration.

Building an External Integration

Building an external integration is similar to building a built-in integration, except that you will instantiate Kueue’s jobframework for your CRD in a separate executable. The only change you will make to the primary Kueue manager is a deployment-time configuration change to enable it to recognize that your CRD is being managed by a Kueue-compatible manager.

Here are completed external integrations you can learn from:


Configure Kueue by adding your framework’s GroupVersionKind to .integrations.externalFrameworks in controller_manager_config.yaml.

Job Framework

Make the following changes to an existing controller-runtime based manager for your CRD.

Add a dependency on Kueue to your go.mod so you can import jobframework as a go library.

In a new mycrd_workload_controller.go file, implement the GenericJob interface, and other optional interfaces defined by the framework.

Extend the existing webhook for your CRD to invoke Kueue’s webhook helper methods:

  • Your defaulter should invoke jobframework.ApplyDefaultForSuspend in defaults.go
  • Your validator should invoke jobframework.ValidateJobOnCreate and jobframework.ValidateJobOnUpdate in validation.go

Extend your manager’s startup procedure to do the following:

  • Using the jobframework.NewGenericReconcilerFactory method, create an instance of Kueue’s JobReconciler for your CRD and register it with the controller-runtime manager.
  • Invoke jobframework.SetupWorkloadOwnerIndex to create an indexer for Workloads owned by your CRD.

Extend your existing RBAC Authorizations to include the privileges needed by Kueue’s JobReconciler:

// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups="",resources=events,verbs=create;watch;update;patch

For a concrete example, consult these pieces of the AppWrapper controller: