Configure Prometheus

Prometheus Support

This page shows how you configure Kueue to use prometheus metrics.

The page is intended for a batch administrator.

Before you begin

Make sure you the following conditions are set:

  • A Kubernetes cluster is running.
  • The kubectl command-line tool has communication with your cluster.
  • Kueue is installed.
  • Prometheus is installed
  • Cert Manager can be optionally installed

Kueue supports either Kustomize or installation via a Helm chart.

Kustomize Installation

  1. Enable prometheus in config/default/kustomization.yaml and uncomment all sections with ‘PROMETHEUS’.

Kustomize Prometheus with certificates

If you want to enable TLS verification for the metrics endpoint, follow the directions below.

  1. Set internalCertManagement.enable to false in the kueue configuration.
  2. Comment out the internalcert folder in config/default/kustomization.yaml.
  3. Enable cert-manager in config/default/kustomization.yaml and uncomment all sections with ‘CERTMANAGER’.
  4. To enable secure metrics with TLS protection, uncomment all sections with ‘PROMETHEUS-WITH-CERTS’.

Helm Installation

Prometheus installation

Kueue can also supports helm deployment for Prometheus.

  1. Set enablePrometheus in your values.yaml file to true.

Helm Prometheus with certificates

If you want to secure the metrics endpoints with external certificates:

  1. Disable internal cert management in the kueue configuration (see custom-configuration for more details).
  2. Set both enableCertManager and enablePrometheus to true.
  3. Provide values for the tlsConfig, see the example below:

An example for your tlsConfig in the helm chart could be as follows:

  prometheusNamespace: monitoring
# tls configs for serviceMonitor
      serverName: kueue-controller-manager-metrics-service.kueue-system.svc
          name: kueue-metrics-server-cert
          key: ca.crt
          name: kueue-metrics-server-cert
          key: tls.crt
        name: kueue-metrics-server-cert
        key: tls.key

The secrets must reference the cert manager generated secrets.