Run Kubernetes Job in Multi-Cluster

Run a MultiKueue scheduled Kubernetes Job.

Before you begin

Check the MultiKueue installation guide on how to properly setup MultiKueue clusters.

For the ease of setup and use we recommend using at least Kueue v0.8.1.

The recommended way of running MultiKueue depends on the configuration of the JobManagedBy feature gate in your cluster.

Cluster with JobManagedBy enabled

When JobManagedBy is enabled in your cluster we recommend configuring Kueue to enable the MultiKueueBatchJobWithManagedBy feature gate.

When MultiKueueBatchJobWithManagedBy is enabled, the current status of a Job being executed by MultiKueue on a worker cluster is live-updated on the management cluster.

This gives the users and automation tools the ability to track the progress of Job status (.status) without lookup to the worker cluster, making MultiKueue transparent from that perspective.

Cluster with JobManagedBy disabled

When JobManagedBy is disabled in your cluster you should make sure MultiKueueBatchJobWithManagedBy is also disabled in Kueue.

This is important so that MultiKueue does not conflict with the build-in Job controller on the management cluster.

As a limitation of this deployment mode, to get the actual status of the job, you need to access the worker cluster.

You can identify the worker cluster running the job by checking the AC status message of the workload object in the management cluster.

Also, the job is suspended from the perspective of the management cluster until it is Finished.


Once the setup is complete you can test it by running the example below:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  generateName: sample-job-
  namespace: default
  labels: user-queue
  parallelism: 3
  completions: 3
  suspend: true
      - name: dummy-job
        args: ["entrypoint-tester", "hello", "world"]
            cpu: 1
            memory: "200Mi"
      restartPolicy: Never