Troubleshooting delete ClusterQueue

Deleting a ClusterQueue might require additional steps when it has active Workloads.

This guide provides a clear approach to safely deleting a ClusterQueue, explaining the process and offering alternative methods to handle specific scenarios.

For this example, assume your ClusterQueue is named my-cq.

Understanding kubectl delete clusterqueue

When you run the following command:

kubectl delete clusterqueue my-cq

you are initiating the deletion of the ClusterQueue object. However, if there are Workloads still utilizing the ClusterQueue, the command may hang or take some time to complete.

Why does this happen?

Kueue creates a Workload object for each Job to track its admission status. If a Workload is admitted, it is associated with a specific ClusterQueue. Kueue uses a finalizer called to prevent deletion of the ClusterQueue while resources are still in use. Consequently, a ClusterQueue with this finalizer cannot be deleted until all resources are released.

To find Workloads linked to a specific ClusterQueue, you can use the following steps:

Using kueuectl

kueuectl list workload --clusterqueue my-cq -A

Example output:

default     my-job-job-4gk8s-7b737   job        my-job-4gk8s   my-lq        my-cq           ADMITTED                       27m
default     my-job-job-826hp-caa72   job        my-job-826hp   my-lq        my-cq           ADMITTED                       1h

Using kubectl and grep

Alternatively, you can use kubectl with grep:

kueuectl get workload -A | grep my-cq

Example output:

default     my-job-4gk8s-7b737   my-lq   my-cq   True                  30m
default     my-job-826hp-caa72   my-lq   my-cq   True                  30m

How to stop the ClusterQueue?

Using kueuectl

To stop all the jobs in a ClusterQueue and prevent new jobs from being admitted by it, run the following command:

kueuectl stop clusterqueue my-cq

Using kubectl edit

Alternatively, you can stop the ClusterQueue by editing its configuration:

kubectl edit clusterqueue my-cq

In the editor, change the stopPolicy value to HoldAndDrain:

   stopPolicy: HoldAndDrain

Save the changes. This will stop all workloads associated with the ClusterQueue.

How to delete the ClusterQueue?

Once the Workloads are stopped, you can delete the ClusterQueue:

kueuectl delete clusterqueue my-cq